The world of digital currency has since its inception, experienced tremendous growth and popularity in the global economy; thousands of cryptocurrencies exist and blockchain technology has been applied to various aspects of life. Most blockchain and cryptocurrency transactions function via smart contracts. Introduced in 1996 by Nick Szabo, smart contracts are trackable and irreversible computer protocols which aim to facilitate the execution of a contract or transaction digitally. In simple terms, just as the name implies, smart contracts make execution of transactions smarter. Smart contracts achieve this by the elimination of third-party intermediaries.
Although smart contracts offer immense advantages when compared to conventional contracts, it also has its own shortcomings. The major problem with smart contracts is that they are slow to execute, coded by programmers and are thus difficult to understand to the normal man without programming experience. By utilizing artificial intelligence, KIRIK, a semantic contract platform, seeks to bridge the gap between smart contracts, the world we live in and the end-user without a programmable language.
The KIRIK Initiative
KIRIK is a cross-blockchain initiative which utilizes artificial intelligence to revolutionize blockchain transactions and smart contracts. The KIRIK project seeks to achieve this by introducing three major features:
• Semantic Smart Contracts
• Crossblockchain asset transfer platform.
• A transition from AI 1.0 to AI 2.0.
Semantic Contracts: KIRIK semantic contracts are an executable smart contract specification which executes specifications just the way a 3D printer prints out a 3D model via artificial technology. Unlike smart contracts, semantic contracts are very easy to use and are rather “model-based” instead of programming base. Semantic contracts bridge the gap between artificial intelligence and human logic. This is made possible by the use of AI 2.0, which is more user-friendly than AI 1.0. AI 2.0 makes artificial intelligence understandable to the “non-programmable” user.
● Cross chain Platform: Another added feature of the KIRIK project is that it offers cross-chain transactions. Thus, the problem of interoperability is now solved. KIRIK has a metaprotocol which allows for cross-blockchain asset transfer. This makes it possible for Bitcoins to be exchanged with another cryptocurrency such as Ethereum.
● User-Friendly Artificial Intelligence (AI 2.0): According to “ Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans…” The traditional artificial intelligence technology is highly technical and thus very difficult to understand by human logic. Apart from this, another drawback of artificial intelligence is that it is not secure. For example, an artificial intelligence chatterbot, Tay was originally released on March 23rd, 2016 by Microsoft Corporation. Moments later, it began posting derogatory and offensive tweets via its Twitter account. This sparked up serious controversy and forced Microsoft, its creator, to shut it down just some hours after its launch. KIRIK bridges this gap between artificial intelligence and the legal world by introducing an artificial intelligence which is secure, user-friendly and easily understandable by the non-programmer. The artificial intelligence version that KIRIK utilizes is AI 2.0. This is an improvement to AI 1.0.
KIRIK Token and Token Sale Exercise
The KIRIK token, with ticker KRK, is the native cryptocurrency of the KIRIK project. The KRK token is an ERC 20 token issued on the Ethereum blockchain, hence, it leverages on the blockchain’s numerous advantages like the security of transactions with low processing time which are cost-effective.
The KRK token will be used for the development of the platform including marketing, promotion, and support. The KRK token sale exercise will commence soon and the whitelisting of potential participants of the Pre-sale slated for 15th- 17th August 2018 is underway. Details of the exercise and the token distribution can be found below:
The proceeds from the token sale exercise will be used for various purposes and its breakdown is shown below:
The Kirik team consists of individuals from various countries around the world with a remarkable background in engineering, business development, and software development. Founded by Vitaly Gumirov- a renowned Mathematician and Computer Scientist with decades of experience in IT and entrepreneurship and the founder of Eyeline Communications, the Kirik project has been developed to solve the challenges associated with inter-blockchain transactions and smart contracts. A brief of their profiles is shown below:
Roadmap of Kirik for 2018 and 2019
The Kirik team has a detailed outline for the development of the project, with the various goals for the project along its development course being given a specific timeframe for its realization. The roadmap for the remainder of the year and 2019 are shown below:
No doubt, semantic contracts are the future of blockchain transactions. As more people continue to become aware of the amazing applications of blockchain technology and smart contracts, KIRIK will surely be in the best position to provide the adequate balance needed for the ideal artificial intelligence system which best fits the end user without any programming experience.
A comparison of Kirik and the other types of contracts in existence is shown below, outlining the features of each.
It is obvious that the Kirik solution is the next generation of smart-contracts with numerous advantages over other forms of contracts.
To find out more about KIRIK or to become a member of the community, use any of the following links:
AUTHOR: kingigolo


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